The primary purpose of this blog will be to highlight ways our customer-members can save money thru energy efficiency and energy conservation in their home.
Thursday, May 28, 2015
Time to purchase a new CLOTHES WASHER and save big on electricity usage.
Time to purchase a new CLOTHES WASHER and save big on electricity usage.
Back in 1993 the guide on the left shows a typical top load WASHER on an electric water heater with an electric rate of 8.24 cents per kilowatt hour. At that time yearly electric operating costs would have been $ 91.
The Energy Guide on the right shows an ENERGY STAR rated front load WASHER on an electric water heater with an electric rate of 12 cents per kilowatt hour. Yearly electric operating cost should run $ 17.
These ratings are based on 6 loads of laundry per week which might be typical for a 2 to 3 person household. This doesn't account for additional savings from using less detergent and less water in the wash cycle or using a cold water wash. This also doesn't account for the fact that the new WASHER has a much faster spin cycle and clothes come out a lot dryer, thus taking less time to dry in the dryer or on the clothesline.
A new front load WASHER will also use from 1/3 to 1/2 as much water per load as a new top load WASHER even if both have the ENERGY STAR rating. New WASHERS use around 76 gals per load compared to 160+ gals per load on older top load units.
In fairness the old Maytag did run 22 years. Will the new Whirlpool have as long a life?
You should strongly consider purchasing a front load WASHER for the best performance and savings. If your WASHER is 20 years old its time for a replacement. Contact your local utility for available incentives and rebates on all appliances.